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Manufacture of kitchen furniture

Fabryka Mebli Brzeziny

Offer displayed: 154681
Fabryka Mebli Brzeziny
  • Fabryka Mebli Brzeziny
  • Fabryka Mebli Brzeziny
  • Fabryka Mebli Brzeziny
  • Fabryka Mebli Brzeziny
  • Fabryka Mebli Brzeziny
  • Fabryka Mebli Brzeziny
  • Fabryka Mebli Brzeziny
  • Fabryka Mebli Brzeziny
ul. Bohaterów Warszawy 6/3C
25-394 Kielce
świętokrzyskie, Poland
We speak foreign languages
Polish English German

Manufacturer of top quality kitchen furniture.
Our company has more than 20 years of experience,
we provide arrangement production and installation
of custom furniture for individual customers, and
we are also a contractor of complex orders of
fitted furniture. We make our furniture from
scratch using the latest technologies. We invite
individual customers, wholesalers and designers
to cooperate with us.


manufacturing, modern kitchen, bathroom, children's furniture, kitchen cabinetry, kitchens, wardrobes, bathrooms, bedrooms, living room, custom made

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Offer displayed: 89164
ul. Sądecka 136B
34-700 Rabka Zdrój
małopolskie, Poland
We speak foreign languages
Polish English German

Manufacturer of custom furniture - kitchen
furniture, custom built-in, exclusive wardrobe,
bathroom furniture, bedrooms, wardrobes,
sliding doors, room furniture. Stone worktops,
granite, corian. Accessories of the following
companies: Blum, Hettich, Hafele, In-house paint
shop - also ecological varnishes. Company
transport + installation team. Collaboration:
individual client, designer, interior designer.
Design, 3D visualisation free of charge.


kitchens, modern, custom, bedroom, wardrobes, chest of drawers, stone worktops, lofts, slanted ceilings, furniture manufacturer, built-ins, counters, reception desks, scandinavian style, to order

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