Furniture manufacturers according to branches

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Manufacture of office furniture

Stecko Meble

Offer displayed: 43526
Stecko Meble
  • Stecko Meble
  • Stecko Meble
  • Stecko Meble
  • Stecko Meble
  • Stecko Meble
  • Stecko Meble
  • Stecko Meble
  • Stecko Meble
ul. Chodkiewicza 2,3,3A
70-344 Szczecin
zachodniopomorskie, Poland
We speak foreign languages
Polish German English

Comprehensive furnishing of office and hotel
interiors. We have been serving customers
throughout Europe for 30 years. We offer an
interior design with a full arrangement tailored
to the client's needs, modern design and
professional installation. We are looking forward
to working with you!

We are in industries:

office, hotel, study, staff, restaurant and reception furniture, seats, beds, tables

Preferred directions of export Europe
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