Furniture manufacturers according to branches

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Manufacturing - office acoustics partitions, acoustic panels, screens

Moebell Design

Offer displayed: 25598
Moebell Design
  • Moebell Design
  • Moebell Design
  • Moebell Design
  • Moebell Design
  • Moebell Design
  • Moebell Design
  • Moebell Design
  • Moebell Design
ul. Pszczelarska 35A
52-210 Wrocław
dolnośląskie, Poland
We speak foreign languages
Polish German

Manufacturer of bespoke beds and upholstered
panels for hotels, offices, flats and apartments.
Made to order, any dimensions. We look
forward to working with you!

We are in industries:

upholstered panels, upholstered beds, wall panels, headboards, armchairs

Preferred directions of export Germany, Europe
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